
Module spfx

Lua bindings to interact with spfx.


__gc (spfx) Frees a spfx.
__eq (s1, s2) Compares two spfxs to see if they are the same.
getAll () Gets all the active spfx.
new (ttl[, update[, render_bg[, render_mg[, render_fg[, pos[, vel[, sfx[, radius[, remove]]]]]]]]]) Creates a new special effect.
rm (s) Removes a special effect.
pos (s) Gets the position of a spfx.
vel (s) Gets the velocity of a spfx.
setPos (s, p) Sets the position of a spfx.
setVel (s, v) Sets the velocity of a spfx.
vel (s) Gets the sound effect of a spfx.
data (s) Gets the data table of a spfx.
debris (mass, radius, pos, vel) Creates a cloud of debris.


Delta Updates the spfx.


__gc (spfx)
Frees a spfx.


  • spfx Spfx Spfx to free.
__eq (s1, s2)
Compares two spfxs to see if they are the same.


  • s1 Spfx Spfx 1 to compare.
  • s2 Spfx Spfx 2 to compare.


    boolean true if both spfxs are the same.
getAll ()
Gets all the active spfx.


    table A table containing all the spfx.
new (ttl[, update[, render_bg[, render_mg[, render_fg[, pos[, vel[, sfx[, radius[, remove]]]]]]]]])
Creates a new special effect.


  • ttl Number Time to live of the effect.
  • update Function or nil Update function to use if applicable. (optional)
  • render_bg Function or nil Background render function to use if applicable (behind ships). (optional)
  • render_mg Function or nil Middle render function to use if applicable (infront of NPC ships, behind player). (optional)
  • render_fg Function or nil Foregroundrender function to use if applicable (infront of player). (optional)
  • pos vec2 or boolean Position of the effect, or a boolean to indicate whether or not the effect is local. (optional)
  • vel vec2 Velocity of the effect. (optional)
  • sfx audio Sound effect associated with the spfx. (optional)
  • radius number Radius to use to determine if should render. (optional)
  • remove Function or nil Function to run when removing the outfit. (optional)


    spfx New spfx corresponding to the data.


  • 5, update, nil, nil, render, player.pos(),
    player.pilot():vel(), sfx ) -- Play effect with update and render functions
    at player position/velocity
  • 10, nil, nil, nil, nil, true, nil, sfx ) -- Play an effect
     locally (affected by time compression and autonav stuff)
  • 10, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, sfx ) -- Play a global
    effect (not affected by time stuff )
rm (s)
Removes a special effect.


  • s spfx Spfx to remove.
pos (s)
Gets the position of a spfx. ( s )


  • s spfx Spfx to get position of.


    vec2 Position of the spfx.
vel (s)
Gets the velocity of a spfx.


  • s spfx Spfx to get velocity of.


    vec2 Velocity of the spfx.
setPos (s, p)
Sets the position of a spfx.


  • s spfx Spfx to set the position of.
  • p vec2 Position to set to.
setVel (s, v)
Sets the velocity of a spfx.


  • s spfx Spfx to set the velocity of.
  • v vec2 Velocity to set to.
vel (s)
Gets the sound effect of a spfx.


  • s spfx Spfx to get sound effect of.


    audio Sound effect of the spfx.
data (s)
Gets the data table of a spfx.

This table is unique to each instance.


  • s spfx Spfx to get data table of.


    table Data table of the spfx.
debris (mass, radius, pos, vel)
Creates a cloud of debris.


  • mass number Mass of the cloud.
  • radius number Radius of the cloud.
  • pos Vec2 Position of the cloud.
  • vel Vec2 Velocity of the cloud.


Updates the spfx.
  • Delta dt tick to use for the update.
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2024-07-25 19:26:37