
Module lmisn

Mission helper utilities.


sfxVictory () Plays a happy victory sound.
sfxMoney () Plays a money indicating money made.
sfxBingo () Plays a jingle indicating success.
sfxEerie () Plays a weird eerie sfx.
getLandableSpobs ([sys[, fct[, fctmatch=false]]]) Returns a complete or filtered table of landable spobs (that is, landable, inhabitable, and not restricted)
getNextSystem (nowsys, finalsys[, hidden=false]) Choose the next system to jump to on the route from system nowsys to system finalsys.
getRoute (nowsys, finalsys, hidden) Gets the route between nowsys and finalsys.
lmisn.sysFilters.default () Provides the default system filter.
lmisn.sysFilters.faction (fct, threshold) Provides the faction system filter.
lmisn.sysFilters.factionLandable (fct[, samefact=false]) Provides the landable system filter.
getSysAtDistance (sys, min, max, filter, data, hidden)

Fetches an array of systems from min to max jumps away from the given

     system sys.
getSpobAtDistance ([sys=system.cur()], min, max[, fct=faction.get("Player")[, samefct=false[, filter=nil[, data=nil[, hidden=false]]]]]) Works the same as lmisn.getSysAtDistance, but for spobs.
getRandomSpobAtDistance ([sys=system.cur()], min, max[, fct=nil[, samefct=false[, filter=nil[, data=nil[, hidden=false]]]]]) Gets a random spob at a distance.
calculateDistance (origin_sys, origin_pos, dest_sys, dest_pos, params) Calculates the distance (in pixels) from a position in a system to a position in another system.
anyMissionActive (names) Wrapper for player.misnActive that works on a table of missions.
fail (reason) Wrapper for player.msg + misn.finish for when the player fails a mission.


sfxVictory ()
Plays a happy victory sound. Should be used for unique mission completion.
sfxMoney ()
Plays a money indicating money made. Should be used when the player receives payment for generic repeatable missions.
sfxBingo ()
Plays a jingle indicating success. Meant more for small good things advancing missions rather than completion.
sfxEerie ()
Plays a weird eerie sfx.
getLandableSpobs ([sys[, fct[, fctmatch=false]]])
Returns a complete or filtered table of landable spobs (that is, landable, inhabitable, and not restricted)


  • sys System The system to search, defaulting to the current one. (optional)
  • fct Faction If nil, return all landable spobs in the system meeting the landable criteria, otherwise... (optional)
  • fctmatch boolean If true, restrict results to the given faction; if false, restricts it to factions not hostile with fct. (default false)


    table All matching spobs in a list.
getNextSystem (nowsys, finalsys[, hidden=false])
Choose the next system to jump to on the route from system nowsys to system finalsys.


  • nowsys System Start point.
  • finalsys System End point.
  • hidden boolean Whether the path may include hidden systems. (default false)


    System The next system to jump to, defaulting to nowsys if there's no path or nothing to do.
getRoute (nowsys, finalsys, hidden)
Gets the route between nowsys and finalsys.


  • nowsys
  • finalsys
  • hidden


    table A table of systems including the nowsys and finalsys.
lmisn.sysFilters.default ()
Provides the default system filter. Always true regardless of input.


    function The filter function.
lmisn.sysFilters.faction (fct, threshold)
Provides the faction system filter. Makes sure each system hasa minimum amount of presence of a certain faction.


  • fct Faction Faction to ensure minimum presence.
  • threshold number Minimum amount of presence necessary to return true.


    function The filter function.


    sys = lmisn.getSysAtDistance( system.cur(), 1, 3, lmisn.sysFilters.faction( "Dvaered", 50 ) ) -- Gets all systems within 1 to 3 jumps that have >= 50 Dvaered presence
lmisn.sysFilters.factionLandable (fct[, samefact=false])
Provides the landable system filter. Makes sure each system has at least on landable, inhabited, non-restricted spob and is landable by a certain faction.


  • fct Faction Faction to make sure can land.
  • samefact boolean Whether or not being non-hostile is sufficient, or we enforce exact match (true). (default false)


    function The filter function.
getSysAtDistance (sys, min, max, filter, data, hidden)
Fetches an array of systems from min to max jumps away from the given

     system sys.

The following example gets a random Sirius M class spob between 1 to 6 jumps away.


  • sys System to calculate distance from or nil to use current system
  • min Min distance to check for.
  • max Maximum distance to check for.
  • filter Optional filter function to use for more details.
  • data Data to pass to filter
  • hidden Whether or not to consider hidden jumps (off by default)


    The table of systems n jumps away from sys


    local spobs = {}
    lmisn.getSysAtDistance( system.cur(), 1, 6,
            for i, v in ipairs(s:spobs()) do
                if v:faction() == faction.get("Sirius") and v:class() == "M" then
                    return true
            return false
        end )
    if #spobs == 0 then misn.finish(false) end -- In case no suitable spobs are in range.
    local index = rnd.rnd(1, #spobs)
    destspob = spobs[index][1]
    destsys = spobs[index][2]
getSpobAtDistance ([sys=system.cur()], min, max[, fct=faction.get("Player")[, samefct=false[, filter=nil[, data=nil[, hidden=false]]]]])
Works the same as lmisn.getSysAtDistance, but for spobs.

Filter is applied on a spob level.


  • sys System System to base distance calculations off of. (default system.cur())
  • min number Minimum jump distance to get spob at.
  • max number Maximum jump distance to get spob at.
  • fct Faction What faction to do landing checks with. (default faction.get("Player"))
  • samefct boolean Whether or not to only allow spobs to belong exactly to fct. (default false)
  • filter function Filtering function that returns a boolean and takes a spob being tested as a parameter. (default nil)
  • data Custom data that will be passed to filter. (default nil)
  • hidden boolean Whether or not to consider hidden jumps when computing system distance. (default false)


    table A table containing all the spobs matching the criteria. Can be empty if no matches found.


    -- Get random spob within 3 to 5 jumps of current system that is landable by independent pilots.
    local candidates = lmisn.getSpobAtDistance( system.cur(), 3, 5, "Independent", false )
    -- Make sure there are candidates
    if #candidates==0 then
       error("There are no spobs meeting the criteria!")
    -- Sort candidates by some criteria
    table.sort( candidates, my_spob_sort_function )
    -- Get best by sorting criteria
    local destpnt = candidates[1]
getRandomSpobAtDistance ([sys=system.cur()], min, max[, fct=nil[, samefct=false[, filter=nil[, data=nil[, hidden=false]]]]])
Gets a random spob at a distance. Only checks for inhabited, landable, and non-restricted spobs.


  • sys System System to base distance calculations off of. (default system.cur())
  • min number Minimum jump distance to get spob at.
  • max number Maximum jump distance to get spob at.
  • fct Faction What faction to do landing checks with. (default nil)
  • samefct boolean Whether or not to only allow spobs to belong exactly to fct. (default false)
  • filter function Filtering function that returns a boolean and takes a spob being tested as a parameter. (default nil)
  • data Custom data that will be passed to filter. (default nil)
  • hidden boolean Whether or not to consider hidden jumps when computing system distance. (default false)


    Spob A single spob matching all the criteria.


    destpnt = lmisn.getRandomSpobAtDistance( system.cur(), 3, 5, "Independent", false ) -- Get random spob within 3 to 5 jumps of current system that is landable by independent pilots.
calculateDistance (origin_sys, origin_pos, dest_sys, dest_pos, params)
Calculates the distance (in pixels) from a position in a system to a position in another system.


  • origin_sys System System to calculate distance from.
  • origin_pos Vec2 Position to calculate distance from.
  • dest_sys System Target system to calculate distance to.
  • dest_pos Vec2 Target position to calculate distance to.
  • params table Table of parameters. Currently supported are "use_hidden".


  1. The distance travelled
  2. The jumpPath leading to the target system
anyMissionActive (names)
Wrapper for player.misnActive that works on a table of missions.


  • names table Table of names (strings) of missions to check


    true if any of the listed missions are active


    if anyMissionActive( { "Cargo", "Cargo Rush" } ) then -- at least one Cargo or Cargo Rush is active
fail (reason)
Wrapper for player.msg + misn.finish for when the player fails a mission.


  • reason string Reason the mission failed.
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2025-02-03 14:56:19