
Module diff

Lua bindings to apply/remove Universe Diffs.

Universe Diffs are patches you can apply to the universe to make permanent changes. They are defined in dat/unidiff.xml.

Typical usage would be:

 diff.apply( "collective_dead" )


apply (name) Applies a diff by name.
remove (name) Removes a diff by name.
isApplied (name) Checks to see if a diff is currently applied.


apply (name)
Applies a diff by name.

If your diff modifies a Spob or a system, the safe lanes will be re-computed just after it is applied, causing the game to freeze for a short time. As a result, prefer not to apply a diff when the player is in space.


  • name string Name of the diff to apply.
remove (name)
Removes a diff by name.


  • name string Name of the diff to remove.
isApplied (name)
Checks to see if a diff is currently applied.


  • name string Name of the diff to check.


    boolean true if diff is applied, false if it isn't.
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2025-02-07 03:37:22