
Module pilotai

Pilot AI helper utilities.

Meant for controlling the AI without using explicit pilot#control.


apply (plts, func) Applies a function to one or more pilots.
hyperspace (plts, target) Makes a pilot try to hyperspace to target while not disabling most functionality.
patrol (plts, waypoints) Makes a pilot patrol a set of waypoints indefinitely
guard (plts, pos) Makes the pilot go to a certain position and guard it.
clear ([allpilots=false]) Tries to clear the system by making all the AI pilots go away.


apply (plts, func)
Applies a function to one or more pilots.


  • plts Pilot or table Pilots to apply command to.
  • func function Function to apply to each pilot. Should take a single parameter.
hyperspace (plts, target)
Makes a pilot try to hyperspace to target while not disabling most functionality.

Clears current task.


  • plts Pilot or table Pilot or pilots to command.
  • target Jump or nil Target jump point. If nil, tries to find a random hyperspace.
patrol (plts, waypoints)
Makes a pilot patrol a set of waypoints indefinitely


  • plts Pilot or table Pilot or pilots to make patrol.
  • waypoints Table Ordered table with the waypoints as Vec2.
guard (plts, pos)
Makes the pilot go to a certain position and guard it. Note that this changes the AI of the pilot.


  • plts Pilot or table Pilot or pilots to make guard.
  • pos Vec2 Position to guard.
clear ([allpilots=false])
Tries to clear the system by making all the AI pilots go away. Soft alternative to pilot.clear()


  • allpilots boolean Whether or not to affect all non-player pilots, or just natural pilots. (default false)
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2025-02-07 03:37:22