
Module naev

Naev generic Lua bindings.


version () Gets the version of Naev and the save game.
versionTest (v1, v2) Tests two semver version strings.
language () Gets the current language locale.
lastplayed () Gets how many days it has been since the player last played Naev.
date () Equivalent to from standard Lua.
ticksGame () Gets the game seconds since the program started running.
ticks () Gets the seconds since the program started running.
clock () Gets the approximate CPU processing time.
fps () Gets the current game FPS as displayed to the player.
keyGet (keyname) Gets a human-readable name for the key bound to a function.
keyEnable (keyname[, enable=false]) Disables or enables a specific keybinding.
keyEnableAll () Enables all inputs.
keyDisableAll () Disables all inputs.
eventStart (evtname) Starts an event, does not start check conditions.
missionList () Lists all the missions in the game.
missionStart (misnname) Starts a mission, does no check start conditions.
missionTest (misnname) Tests a missions conditionals to see if it can be started by the player.
eventReload (evtname) Reloads an event's script, providing a convenient way to test and hopefully not corrupt the game's state.
missionReload (misnname) Reloads a mission's script, providing a convenient way to test and hopefully not corrupt the game's state.
shadersReload () Reloads all the Naev shaders excluding those created by the shader library.
isSimulation () Gets whether or not the universe is being simulated or not.
conf () Gets the configuration information.
confSet (name, value) Sets configuration variables.
cache () Gets the global Lua runtime cache.
trigger (hookname, arg) Triggers manually a hook stack.
claimTest (params[, inclusive=false]) Tests a claim of a system or strings.
plugins () Gets the list of available plugins.
menuInfo ([window="main"]) Opens the info menu window.
menuSmall ([info=false[, options=false[, allowsave=false]]]) Opens the small menu window.
pause () Checks to see if the game is paused.
pause () Pauses the game.
unpause () Unpauses the game.
hasTextInput () Checks to see if text inputting is enabled.
setTextInput (enable, Text, Text, Text, Text) Enables or disables text inputting.
unit ([string=nil]) Gets the translated string corresponding to an in-game unit.
quadtreeParams (max_elem, depth) Modifies the Naev internal quadtree lookup parameters.
difficulty (internal) Gets information about the current difficulty setting.
envs () Gets a table with all the active Naev environments.
debugTrails ([state=true]) Toggles the trail emitters.
debugCollisions ([state=true]) Toggles the collision polygons.


version ()
Gets the version of Naev and the save game.


  1. string The version of the game.
  2. string Version of current loaded save or nil if not loaded.


    game_version, save_version = naev.version()
versionTest (v1, v2)
Tests two semver version strings.



    number Positive if v1 is newer or negative if v2 is newer.
language ()
Gets the current language locale.


    string Current language locale (such as "en" for English, "de" for German, or "ja" for Japanese).
lastplayed ()
Gets how many days it has been since the player last played Naev.


  1. number Number of days since the player last played.
  2. number Number of days since any of the save games were played.
date ()
Equivalent to from standard Lua.
ticksGame ()
Gets the game seconds since the program started running.

These are modified by whatever speed up the player has.


    number The seconds since the application started running.
ticks ()
Gets the seconds since the program started running.

Useful for doing timing on Lua functions.


    number The seconds since the application started running.
clock ()
Gets the approximate CPU processing time.


    number Seconds elapsed since start of the process.
fps ()
Gets the current game FPS as displayed to the player.


    number Current FPS as displayed to the player.
keyGet (keyname)
Gets a human-readable name for the key bound to a function.


  • keyname string Name of the keybinding to get value of. Valid values are listed in src/input.c: keybind_info.


    bindname = naev.keyGet( "accel" )
keyEnable (keyname[, enable=false])
Disables or enables a specific keybinding.

Use with caution, this can make the player get stuck.


  • keyname string Name of the key to disable (for example "accel").
  • enable boolean Whether to enable or disable. (default false)


    naev.keyEnable( "accel", false ) -- Disables the acceleration key
keyEnableAll ()
Enables all inputs.


    naev.keyEnableAll() -- Enables all inputs
keyDisableAll ()
Disables all inputs.


    naev.keyDisableAll() -- Disables all inputs
eventStart (evtname)
Starts an event, does not start check conditions.


  • evtname string Name of the event to start.


    boolean true on success.


    naev.eventStart( "Some Event" )
missionList ()
Lists all the missions in the game.


    table A table of all the missions in the game, each as a table.
missionStart (misnname)
Starts a mission, does no check start conditions.


  • misnname string Name of the mission to start.


  1. boolean true if mission was either accepted, or started without misn.finish() getting called in create.
  2. boolean true whether or not the mission was accepted.


    naev.missionStart( "Some Mission" )
missionTest (misnname)
Tests a missions conditionals to see if it can be started by the player.

Note that this tests the Lua conditionals, not the create function, so it may be possible that even though naev.missionTest returns true, the player can still not start the mission.


  • misnname string Name of the mission to test.


    boolean true if the mission can be can be started, or false otherwise.


    naev.missionTest( "Some Mission" )
eventReload (evtname)
Reloads an event's script, providing a convenient way to test and hopefully not corrupt the game's state. Use with caution, and only during development as a way to get quicker feedback.


  • evtname string Name of the event to start.


    boolean true on success.


    naev.eventReload( "Some Event" )
missionReload (misnname)
Reloads a mission's script, providing a convenient way to test and hopefully not corrupt the game's state. Use with caution, and only during development as a way to get quicker feedback.


  • misnname string Name of the mission to start.


    boolean true on success.


    naev.missionReload( "Some Mission" )
shadersReload ()
Reloads all the Naev shaders excluding those created by the shader library.
isSimulation ()
Gets whether or not the universe is being simulated or not.


    boolean true if the world is being simulated.
conf ()
Gets the configuration information.


    table Table of configuration values as they appear in the configuration file.
confSet (name, value)
Sets configuration variables. Note that not all are supported.


  • name string Configuration variable name.
  • value number or string Value to set to.
cache ()
Gets the global Lua runtime cache. This is shared among all environments and is cleared when the game is closed.


    table The Lua global cache.


    c = naev.cache()
trigger (hookname, arg)
Triggers manually a hook stack. This is run deferred (next frame). Meant mainly to be used with hook.custom, but can work with other hooks too (if you know what you are doing).

Note This will trigger all hooks waiting on a stack.


  • hookname string Name of the hook to be run.
  • arg Parameter to pass to the hooks.


    naev.trigger( "my_event", data ) -- data will be passed to the
    receiving end
claimTest (params[, inclusive=false])
Tests a claim of a system or strings.


  • params System, String or {System,String...} Table of systems/strings to claim or a single system/string.
  • inclusive boolean Whether or not to allow the claim to include other inclusive claims. Multiple missions/events can inclusively claim the same system, but only one system can exclusively claim it. (default false)


    boolean true if it is possible to claim, false otherwise.


    if not naev.claimTest( { system.get("Gamma Polaris") } ) then
    print("Failed to claim!") end
plugins ()
Gets the list of available plugins.


    table Table containing the list of plugins.
menuInfo ([window="main"])
Opens the info menu window.

Possible window targets are:
- "main" : Main window.
- "ship" : Ship info window.
- "weapons" : Weapon configuration window.
- "cargo" : Cargo view window.
- "missions" : Mission view window.
- "standings" : Standings view window.


  • window string parameter indicating the tab to open at. (default "main")


    naev.menuInfo( "ship" ) -- Opens ship tab
menuSmall ([info=false[, options=false[, allowsave=false]]])
Opens the small menu window.


  • info boolean Show the info button. (default false)
  • options boolean Show the options button. (default false)
  • allowsave boolean Allow saving the game from the menu (either directly or by exiting the game from the menu). (default false)


pause ()
Checks to see if the game is paused.


    boolean Whether or not the game is currently paused.
pause ()
Pauses the game.
unpause ()
Unpauses the game.

Can not be run while landed.

hasTextInput ()
Checks to see if text inputting is enabled.


    boolean Whether or not text inputting is enabled.
setTextInput (enable, Text, Text, Text, Text)
Enables or disables text inputting.


  • enable boolean Whether text input events should be enabled.
  • Text integer rectangle height.
  • Text integer rectangle height.
  • Text integer rectangle height.
  • Text integer rectangle height.
unit ([string=nil])
Gets the translated string corresponding to an in-game unit. strings if no parameter is passed.


  • string str Name of the unit to get or nil to get a table with all of them. (default nil)


    Translated string corresponding to the unit or table of all
quadtreeParams (max_elem, depth)
Modifies the Naev internal quadtree lookup parameters.


  • max_elem number Maximum amount of elements to allow in a leaf node.
  • depth number depth Maximum depth to allow.
difficulty (internal)
Gets information about the current difficulty setting.


  • internal boolean Whether or not to get values using the internal format, or a human readable format.


  1. string Name (untranslated) of the difficulty setting.
  2. table Table containing the ship stats (name is key, while value is value).
envs ()
Gets a table with all the active Naev environments.

Only available only debug builds.


    table Unordered table containing all the environments.
debugTrails ([state=true])
Toggles the trail emitters.


  • state boolean Whether to set or unset markers. (default true)


  • naev.debugTrails() -- Trail emitters are marked with crosses.
  • naev.debugTrails(false) -- Remove the markers.
debugCollisions ([state=true])
Toggles the collision polygons.


  • state boolean Whether or not to show the collision polygons. (default true)
generated by LDoc 1.5.0 Last updated 2025-02-07 03:37:22