Naev Development Blarg (Page 18)
OpenAL showcase
With 0.5.0-beta2 out the door I decided to work on more videos to show off missions and fancy things we do in Naev. I first decided to record the OpenAL effects (EFX) we do in the nebula. For this I decided to show off the “Destroy the FLF base” mission. If you do not want to be partially spoiled I recommend you do not watch the video. Although it is really cool.
Effects to notice:
- Positional sound (basic for OpenAL)
- Doppler Effect (depends on velocity)
- Air absorption factor (sounds like you’re under water)
- Reverb (also helps make it sound like you’re underwater)
- Speed of sound changes (depends on nebula density – also for sounding underwater)
For the implementation I’m using the SW OpenAL implementation by KittyCat. Which should work on all systems that support Naev, so I highly recommend it. With the SDL_Mixer backend you do not get all these fancy effects. Some of these effects are also active when not in the nebula and especially notable is the pitch shift with time compression. So I highly recommend you all use the OpenAL backend.
Now without further ado here is the showcase video of the mission:
FLF Base showcase video I’m not an OpenAL expert, so if anybody has any advice or recommendations, I’d love to hear them. This isn’t final so it may sound different in the 0.5.0 release. Of course I haven’t touched this part of the sound code in 2 years or so. We’ll see.
(Sorry for the 4:3 resolution also, I promise I won’t do it again)
Naev 0.5.0-beta2 is here!
BY DEIZ, ON MAY 14TH, 2011
The Naev devteam is proud to announce the release of Naev 0.5.0-beta2. This is the second beta and is closer to a release candidate than a beta. We do not anticipate any major issues unlike with 0.5.0-beta1. We prefer to have another beta so the 0.5.0 release is rock solid.
Links are available on the downloads page.
Screenshot of Naev 0.5.0-beta2. The changelog is as follows:
- Features
- All missions reviewed for playability, many fixed and otherwise improved
- New mission and other minor content additions
- Timed cargo missions are less punishingly difficult
- Weapon cycling account for heat – coolest fires first
- GUI improvements
- Ship heat is represented by a bar
- Turrets have an indicator for how well they can track the current target
- Better-optimized for narrower screens
- New graphics
- New background nebula images
- Several new portraits
- New planets and systems
- Autonav exit condition can be set to anywhere between missile lock and 100% armour
- Time acceleration multiplier can be limited to avoid lagging on slower computers
- Minor improvements to ship and outfit availability
- Sound system improvements
- Support for using system Lua/Luajit/Csparse libraries
- Bugs
- Credit modification glitches fixed
- Remedied a variety of minor compiler issues
- Typo fixes in missions, planet and outfit descriptions
- Ships will no longer jitter when taking damage while getting ready to jump
- Many graphical elements (player messages, target indicators, etc.) now ignore time accel
- Camera no longer jitters when flying away from targets rapidly or in the nebula
- Camera fixes for afterburner rumble in conjunction with the Sol nebula
- OSD text can never overflow past the translucent background.
We hope you enjoy this release!
- Features
Naev 0.5.0-beta1 released!
The Naev team is proud to announce the long-awaited 0.5.0-beta1 release. This is a beta release and therefore isn’t quite ready for the general public. While it’s highly unlikely that it will set your cat on fire and send threatening messages to your family, there are no guarantees.
The Naev 0.5.0-beta1 release. It’s been over a year since 0.4.2, but this is a major step forward in maturity. The original intent for 0.5.0 was to work out many of the important low-level features and gameplay mechanics to avoid jarring shifts in gameplay in future releases. Feature creep being what it is, 0.5.0 has perpetually grown more ambitious over time. We hope to do a better job of “release early, release often” after this beta.
Compared to 0.4.2, Naev 0.5.0 is essentially a new game. While older saves can be loaded in 0.5.0-beta1, we highly recommend that players start new games. Many things have changed: The galaxy looks quite different, some older missions are absent or have been wholly rewritten, and there’s a wealth of new ships and equipment. For the best experience, start fresh.
On a side note, a number of songs in this release are encoded at a lower quality than in Git, for size reasons. Google Code has a “technical limitation” of 200 MB per file and our current Git ndata size is 214 MB (and growing). We may have to distribute the final 0.5.0 release through BitTorrent or another hosting service for this reason.
We don’t expect this release to be perfect (it’s a beta after all), and what we need most right now are testers to run through the many 0.4.2-era missions and other content. The more testing the beta gets, the better the final release can be. So please, report any issues to us via the Google Code bug tracker or on IRC.
Changelog (long, but still likely missing some things):
For Players
- Bigger universe
- Expanded Dvaered, Frontier, Empire territories
- All new Sirius territory
- Preliminary Soromid area (Not inhabited yet)
- New Pirate system
- Big systems
- More planets in systems
- Bigger planets in systems, more planet graphics
- Players must fly to jump points before jumping to another system
- Electronic warfare
- Ships have cloaking and detection abilities
- Sensor range depends on cloak vs detection
- Turrets no longer track all ships equally
- Fancier targeting method
- Random bar NPCs
- On-map security rating abandoned in favour of faction presence indicators
- More diverse planetary inventories (see the tech system)
- Outfit slots now have sizes
- System backgrounds (nebulae, stars and more!).
- Fancier new GUI.
- Weapon sets allow to easily configure different weapon configurations for each ship.
- Heat system replaces accuracy making ships more accurate at first.
- Overlay map helps navigate and visualize the environment.
- Mouse targeting.
- Damage absorption and penetration system.
- Continuous time model.
- New tutorial that is independent from the main game.
- Mouse flying.
- Images in intro.
- Lots more content!
For Developers (mission and likewise)
- Faction presence
- Replaces security and simple fleet spawning
- Fleet spawning is now controlled through lua on a per-faction basis
- Universe and System editor
- Allows easy and quick modification of the universe
- Allows creation and manipulation of planets, systems and jumps
- Allows selection of planet graphics
- New tech system
- Techs are groups containing outfits, ships or other techs.
- Assets (formerly planets) sell whatever is in their assigned techs.
- Hook improvements
- Pilot hooks pass arguments by default
- You can now pass custom arguments to hooks
- Many new hooks.
- Removed old timer system to new hook-based timer system
- Improvements to the in-game console
- Missions can now use more than a single mission marker
- SDL_image is no longer a dependency.
- Events can now be saved.
- GUI can be written in Lua.
- Camera can be modified.
That’s all for now, good luck and good flying!
- Bigger universe
What if Naev had cheat codes?
Many of you will have used the in-game Lua console to cheat, or at least know how to. But I was thinking, what if cheating was a feature? So I came up with this for the on-start event:
``` godsequence = {“left”, “right”, “left”, “right”, “target_clear”, “target_clear”, “target_clear”, “hail”}
function create () player.pilot():addOutfit( “Laser Cannon MK1”, 2 ) hook.input(“input”) isgod = false godcode = 0 end ```
function input(key, pressed) if pressed and key == godsequence[godcode + 1] then godcode = godcode + 1 if godcode == #godsequence then togglegod() godcode = 0 end elseif pressed and godcode > 0 then godcode = 0 input(key, pressed) end end
function togglegod() isgod = not isgod player.pilot():setInvincible(isgod) if isgod then player.msg("God mode!") else player.msg("God mode off.") end end
As you can see (or not), it adds a cheat code to the game much like the codes for old console games. The only way it would be better is if it responded to “IDDQD”, but that can’t work for a variety of reasons.
Note, this isn’t actually ingame. You’re going to have to keep using the console to get your mad cheats.
New tutorial
You’ve all seen it. The message asking you if you wanted to play a tutorial whenever you created a new pilot. Well, I’m pleased to say that message won’t be bothering you anymore, because the tutorial has a new face.
Main menu with tutorial button So, a new tutorial. What is different? Well, first of all the tutorial isn’t based in the regular game anymore. Where the old tutorial desperately tried to give you a quick crash course on how to play right at the start of the game, this tutorial is accessed right from the main menu, taking its time in a special training environment, teaching the basic concepts without worrying about the player flying off somewhere because, well, he can’t. So, hopefully, the new tutorial will make the learning process smoother for new players.
Another thing that is different is that the new tutorial is split up into several distinct modules, each module focusing on a limited selection of concepts and ignoring all the rest. This is good, because it means that our fledgling, ignorant player-in-training can revisit specific parts of the tutorial without having to sit through the whole thing again.
At present, six tutorial modules are coded up. These are: Basic operation, Interstellar Flight, Communications, Basic Combat, The planetary screen, and Missions and events. A further two, Advanced combat and Trade, will eventually be added. I say eventually, because both combat and trade are parts of the game that are in for a serious overhaul. Writing tutorials about them now would be pointless.
Most of you will already know how to play the game, so a new tutorial won’t help you much, but hopefully this step has made Naev that much more accessible to new players.