0.6.0-beta2 Release


The Naev development team is proud to announce the release of Naev 0.6.0-beta2, which will hopefully be the final beta release before 0.6.0 stable. This release brings a few minor features, a slew of bugfixes, and improved SDL2 support.

The most notable features mostly relate to the SDL2 improvements: Naev’s resolution can now be changed on the fly, and it can be made fullscreen or windowed without restarting. It also uses “fake” fullscreen by default (as many modern games do) to avoid turning off other screens.

Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/naev/files/naev-0.6.0/

Blog: https://naev.org/

Forums: http://forum.naev.org/ (Forums are lost.)

This release’s highlights include:

As this is a beta release, we’re hoping to iron out any remaining issues, particularly with missions and other scripted content. If you run into any issues while playing, please report bugs and issues at our issue tracker or drop by our IRC channel (RIP Freenode).

One small note regarding the change to SDL 2: A number of key names have changed, mostly on the numpad. Any controls with unrecognized keys will be reset to their defaults on first run.

Right now we have Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux binaries available, both 32-bit and 64-bit.