Merge into Master


As a good sign of what’s going on, all changes have been merged into master and development is now going to be done there. Some stats on the change:

naev: Edgar Simo master * rc7d316d / (9 files in 3 dirs): Merge branch 'balance' of git:// into tutorial (+1161 more commits...) -

[bobbens@ghanima (~/usr/prj/naev)] $ git diff origin | wc -l 133349

As you can see it’s a pretty big change. I’d consider it a new game. Anyway, on the 0.5.0 beta we’re waiting on finishing the new tutorial and then we’ll do some quick check ups and code analysis before the release. This won’t be the official release, just a beta as it’s still buggy and such. However it does give a change to get some mass testing done to get a nice polished 0.5.0 release. So after over 1000 commits and 100k line diff we are finally nearing the awaited 0.5.0 release, albeit with like a 3 month delay of the original goals, however this release is so ambitious I believe it’s totally worth it.