Mouse Targeting


Possibly what could be considered the last of the large planned features has been implemented. This is mouse targeting. Well what does mouse targeting mean. It has two implications, the first is that in the regular game screen while flying around you can now target ships. However you can also target jump points, planets and ships with the overlay map. This means that you do not necessarily have to go through long boring cycles to try to select a ship to board, or a ship on the map.

Hopefully the feature will be cool and enjoyable for all. If someone doesn’t exactly like the implementation or think it could be better (or more natural) don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Finally, what is next? Well now we have the long complicated task of balancing and implementing new outfits. This daunting task will be done in the “balance” branch as it will most likely mess up everything. We’ve already integrate some of the ideas from the forums like the damage rejection. It seems like we may be ahead of schedule for 0.5.0, but I make no promises.