Background effects: Improving screenshots since 2010.


Space is an immense, largely vacuous void. The ratio of nothingness to interesting phenomena is pitifully high. Among even those rare phenomena, the amount perceptible by the human eye pales in comparison to wider-wavelength recording combined with false colours.

Fortunately, however, NAEV is a game, not a simulator. It’s a bit boring to fly over endless blackness with nothing but stars to keep you company. Ships and large planets, while pretty, come and go with alarming rapidity.

To that end, we’ve endeavoured to make NAEV more visually enticing by implementing support for background graphics. In all, there are more than 30 backgrounds, with more to come, hopefully. I suppose it’s time to let the pictures do the talking (Note: They’re much larger in-game):

NOTE The screenshots have been lost to time :(