ai |
Controls the Pilot AI. |
cinema |
Functions for handling cinematic scenes. |
escort |
Library for dealing with escorts in missions. |
fleet |
Functions for adding fleets of pilots. |
format |
Provides string formatting and interpolation facilities. |
lazyload |
Laziest lib there is. |
linenoise |
Command-line library. |
lmisn |
Mission helper utilities. |
lmusic |
Small music handling library. |
love_shaders |
A module containing a diversity of Love2D shaders for use in Naev. |
luatk |
Intersection of scissors with the current applied ones. |
asteroid |
Lua bindings to interact with asteroid. |
audio |
Lua bindings to interact with audio. |
bkg |
Lua bindings to interact with the background. |
camera |
Lua bindings to interact with the Camera. |
canvas |
Lua bindings to interact with canvass. |
colour |
Lua bindings to interact with colours. |
commodity |
Lua bindings to interact with commodities. |
data |
Lua bindings to interact with datas. |
diff |
Lua bindings to apply/remove Universe Diffs. |
evt |
Event system Lua bindings. |
faction |
Lua bindings to deal with factions. |
file |
Lua bindings to interact with files. |
font |
Lua bindings to interact with fonts. |
gfx |
Lua bindings to interact with rendering and the Naev graphical
environment. |
gui |
Lua bindings to interact with the GUI elements. |
hook |
Lua bindings to manipulate hooks. |
jump |
This module allows you to handle the jumps from Lua. |
linopt |
Lua bindings to interact with linopts. |
misn |
Mission Lua bindings. |
munition |
Lua bindings to interact with munitions. |
music |
Music Lua module. |
naev |
Naev generic Lua bindings. |
news |
Lua bindings to interact with the news. |
outfit |
Lua bindings to interact with outfits. |
pilot |
Lua bindings to interact with pilots. |
pilotoutfit |
Lua bindings to interact with pilot outfits. |
player |
Lua bindings to interact with the player. |
rnd |
Bindings for interacting with the random number generator. |
safelanes |
Lua accessor functions to safe lane information. |
shader |
Lua bindings to interact with shaders. |
ship |
Lua bindings to interact with ships. |
shiplog |
Bindings for adding log entries to the ship log. |
spfx |
Lua bindings to interact with spfx. |
spob |
This module allows you to handle the spobs from Lua. |
system |
Lua system module. |
tex |
Lua bindings to interact with OpenGL textures. |
time |
Bindings for interacting with the time. |
tk |
Bindings for interacting with the Toolkit. |
transform |
Lua bindings to interact with transforms. |
var |
Mission variable Lua bindings. |
vec2 |
Represents a 2D vector in Lua. |
equipopt.optimize |
Equips pilots based on mixed integer linear programming. |
pilotai |
Pilot AI helper utilities. |
portrait |
Functions for handling portraits in Naev. |
pp_shaders |
Post-processing shader library for Lua. |
prng |
Simple deterministic Lua PRNG. |
prob |
Probability-related utilities. |
proximity |
Provides a composable proximity callback: you can use "proximity" as a hook, with the function to call if the player's in range
as an argument. |
swapship |
Utility to swap the player's ship. |
vn |
Visual Novel API for Naev |
vntk |
Small wrapper around vn to do toolkit type stuff. |