Naev Lua API
This is the API used in Naev to interact with the game from Lua.
Lua is a relatively simple scripting language used for a large portion of Naev's content. Missions, events, GUIs and AIs are all written using Lua and Naev's API, as are many minor features such as system backgrounds, reputation handling and others.
The Wiki has an in-depth mission tutorial covering both missions and events, and the API documentation provides common usage examples for each function.
Most API modules can also be used from the in-game Lua console (accessible by pressing F2 by default) for cheating experimenting to your heart's content.
ai | Controls the Pilot AI. |
cinema | Functions for handling cinematic scenes. |
escort | Library for dealing with escorts in missions. |
fleet | Functions for adding fleets of pilots. |
format | Provides string formatting and interpolation facilities. |
lazyload | Laziest lib there is. |
linenoise | Command-line library. |
lmisn | Mission helper utilities. |
lmusic | Small music handling library. |
love_shaders | A module containing a diversity of Love2D shaders for use in Naev. |
luatk | Intersection of scissors with the current applied ones. |
asteroid | Lua bindings to interact with asteroid. |
audio | Lua bindings to interact with audio. |
bkg | Lua bindings to interact with the background. |
camera | Lua bindings to interact with the Camera. |
canvas | Lua bindings to interact with canvass. |
colour | Lua bindings to interact with colours. |
commodity | Lua bindings to interact with commodities. |
data | Lua bindings to interact with datas. |
diff | Lua bindings to apply/remove Universe Diffs. |
evt | Event system Lua bindings. |
faction | Lua bindings to deal with factions. |
file | Lua bindings to interact with files. |
font | Lua bindings to interact with fonts. |
gfx | Lua bindings to interact with rendering and the Naev graphical environment. |
gui | Lua bindings to interact with the GUI elements. |
hook | Lua bindings to manipulate hooks. |
jump | This module allows you to handle the jumps from Lua. |
linopt | Lua bindings to interact with linopts. |
misn | Mission Lua bindings. |
munition | Lua bindings to interact with munitions. |
music | Music Lua module. |
naev | Naev generic Lua bindings. |
news | Lua bindings to interact with the news. |
outfit | Lua bindings to interact with outfits. |
pilot | Lua bindings to interact with pilots. |
pilotoutfit | Lua bindings to interact with pilot outfits. |
player | Lua bindings to interact with the player. |
rnd | Bindings for interacting with the random number generator. |
safelanes | Lua accessor functions to safe lane information. |
shader | Lua bindings to interact with shaders. |
ship | Lua bindings to interact with ships. |
shiplog | Bindings for adding log entries to the ship log. |
spfx | Lua bindings to interact with spfx. |
spob | This module allows you to handle the spobs from Lua. |
system | Lua system module. |
tex | Lua bindings to interact with OpenGL textures. |
time | Bindings for interacting with the time. |
tk | Bindings for interacting with the Toolkit. |
transform | Lua bindings to interact with transforms. |
var | Mission variable Lua bindings. |
vec2 | Represents a 2D vector in Lua. |
equipopt.optimize | Equips pilots based on mixed integer linear programming. |
pilotai | Pilot AI helper utilities. |
portrait | Functions for handling portraits in Naev. |
pp_shaders | Post-processing shader library for Lua. |
prng | Simple deterministic Lua PRNG. |
prob | Probability-related utilities. |
proximity | Provides a composable proximity callback: you can use "proximity" as a hook, with the function to call if the player's in range as an argument. |
swapship | Utility to swap the player's ship. |
vn | Visual Novel API for Naev |
vntk | Small wrapper around vn to do toolkit type stuff. |